The First One
to Treat You
An Emergency Room on Wheels With Skilled Clinicians Performing
Medical Care From the Simplest Procedure to the Most Advanced

An Intermediate
Life Support Ambulance
Service in Oklahoma
Wadley's EMS is private, family-owned, since 1968, rural-based Emergency Medical Service and licensed under the Oklahoma State Department of Health as an Intermediate Life Support Ambulance Service. We provide Advanced Life Support to approximately 900 square miles, including McClain, Cleveland, Garvin, and Pottawatomie counties.
We are staffed with twelve full-time medics ranging from EMT to Paramedic, utilizing five state-of-the-art ambulances. Each ambulance has a Physio-Control LIFEPAK 12 or 15 cardiac monitor.
Our LIFEPAK 15 cardiac monitors have transmitting capabilities allowing medics to send an ECG to the receiving hospital, allowing ER Physicians to properly prepare for our patients. Wadley's EMS carries over thirty different medications, from simple breathing treatments and aspirin to pain medications and paralytics for advanced airway procedures.
Wadley's EMS was founded during the days of "Ambulance Drivers" and has evolved to an Emergency Room on wheels with skilled clinicians performing medical care from the simplest procedure to the most advanced allowed by the state.

What We Do for Our Community
Basic Life Support is defined as a variety of noninvasive emergency procedures performed to assist in the immediate survival of a patient, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation, hemorrhage control, stabilization of fractures, spinal immobilization, and basic first aid.
Advanced life support is defined as the medical procedures for sustaining life, including the advanced diagnosis and protocol-driven treatment of a patient in the field, such as defibrillation, airway management, and administration of medications.
Community Outreach
Community outreach is the practice of conducting local public awareness activities through targeted community interaction. Click the button below to learn ways Wadley's EMS provides outreach programs for our community.